Hi! My name is Christina and I am currently living in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I am the wife of a wonderful man and a mother to the two cutest little boys ever!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My brother and sister-in-law are adopting a little girl from Korea. They just got her referral a few weeks ago and are filling out the paper work, hoping to go get her in 3 months or so. My brother and sister-in-law have been working on adopting overseas for over a year now, and it has definitely come with it's own trials, disappointments, and frustrations. But they will be the first to tell you it was all worth it when they see the pictures of this precious little girl God has chosen just for them! Her name is Sora Bada Daspit and I think she is just the cutest little thing. I CAN'T WAIT to hold my new little niece and just love on her. Not to mention she is only a month and a half older than Clay, so he is going to have a cousin very close in age to him!!! Renee and I have joked about putting them in male/female matching outfits and see if we could pass them off as twins!!! LOL!
I have to say that I MORE than respect my brother and sister-in-law for their attitude and passion for adoption. They truly have a great perspective, one that I want to have more and more. We are called by God to care for orphans in one way or another. While we don't all have the ability to adopt a little one into our family, we can still pray for them, financially support them, etc. After all, it is what God has called us to do. Adoption is something Rob and I have talked about and would definitely consider doing, but we know that it's all in God's timing, whatever that might be.
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