Here is our little guy at only 7 weeks. This was taken at our first doctors appointment. Even though he did not look like a baby yet, we could see and hear his heartbeat. For those of you who have had children, I'm sure you would agree that hearing your unborn baby's heartbeat is the best sound in the world! We could also see our little peanut moving. It was absolutely amazing, and yes I did tear-up.

13 weeks- we had another ultrasound, unexpectedly. I was spotting a little and went to the doctor. She examined me and did not think that the blood was coming from my uterus, but it was coming from a little abrasion
possibly just from all the extra hormones (which ended-up healing after the medicine she gave me). She wanted to make sure that all this was not affecting the baby, so she ordered an ultrasound. We got to see our little guy moving around, and it was confirmed that he was
ok (Praise the Lord!). The greatest part of the whole thing, well was of course finding out that he was
ok, but we were shocked when the ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to know what the gender was. Normally the doctor does not do another ultrasound until you are 20 weeks or so and that is when you find-out what you are having. But, they were able to tell us at only 13 weeks that our baby was a boy! Isn't God amazing? At only 13 weeks, a baby has developed so much that they can tell you his gender. What started as a very scary day, ended-up being a celebration that the Lord has blessed us with a baby boy! I kind-of think that God did all this for me. (well, I know, God always has a plan) I had been so scared that I was going to loose this baby, that I was not allowing myself to truly accept the fact that we were really having a baby. I did not want to get too excited. Finding out that we were having a boy made him so real to me. I am not sure how to explain it, but it really changed my attitude. I realized there was a real, living little boy inside of me and I need to celebrate and be thankful for his life, no matter how short or long God has ordained his life to be. Life is a blessing from God, no matter what. Of course I still worry that something is going to go wrong but I am continuing to learn that I need to be thankful for right now.
Every time he kicks me, moves, does flips in my belly, and even when it feels like he is using my bladder as a punching bag, I need to celebrate his life and be thankful for right now. This little guy is teaching me so much and we have only had him for 26 weeks now!! I am sure there are many more lessons to come! Wow, I was not planning on sharing all that, but it just came pouring out.

And here is the latest picture, 22 weeks. At this ultrasound, he weighted 1lb. 1oz. This was the big ultrasound, where they look at all his organs and make sure he is healthy. Thankfully, we were told that he looked perfect! It truly was amazing, they showed us his heart, and you could see all 4 chambers and all the valves. You could see his bladder and stomach. Oh, it really was amazing! He was so cute, he had his hand up by his face almost the whole time (C- maybe he will take after Sam!) and then he started sucking his fingers. Towards the end of the ultrasound, he even got the hiccups. It was really amazing (I know, I have used that word a lot, but I just don't know how to better
describe this whole experience) to see our little guy just acting like a real baby, mannerisms and things that he will probably be doing when he enters the world in 14 weeks, and he was only 1 lb. I am just amazed at God's

And here is his hand, the one that was up by his face almost the whole time, until he started sucking his fingers. Oh, I can't wait to count those fingers and hold that little hand!
God is so amazing!
How very exciting! Thank you so much for sharing your heart and feelings toward this little blessing from above. I am so incredibly excited for you! :) Much love, and know that I'm praying for you all!
You're going to be an incredible mom!
So many people only focus on the difficulties of pregnancy and miss the incredible blessings and amazing parts about pregnancy. I don't know how anyone can be pregnant and not be in awe at what a miracle it is. I'm so happy for you that even through the difficulties you're continuing to marvel at how awesome of an experience it is. And it's only going to get better once he's born!
Congratulations Christina! I'm so excited for you guys. I totally identify with you about being so scared that I couldn't enjoy the fact that I was having a baby. I spotted several times throughout my pregnancy and it always freaked me out. It was such an exercise in faith to trust God for his life, and as you said, that the life is precious no matter how long He allows him to live.
Thank you guys so much for your continued support, BTW. It means so much to me that you would be willing to do that!
Love you guys! Best wishes with the baby!!
Susanna Wagner
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