

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Little 14 month old

Oh yes, I am still counting months. I mean, when do you stop? Clay still feels like my little baby even though he is clearly in the "toddler" stage. Although he is not "toddling" around. Yes, my 14 month old still crawls. He is fast at it and isn't really interested in walking. He cruises furniture really well, but doesn't let go. He has shown a lot of interest in his walker lately, so I guess he is getting close, but I think it's still going to be awhile. BUT, the child is talking like crazy. Seriously, it seems like he learns a new word everyday, which is pretty fun. I just think it's hilarious that my crawling baby is talking. Seems a little backwards, huh?
Here is the list of his vocab: mama, dada, bye bye, shoe, socks, puppies, touch (comes from when I tell him "don't touch"), and ice. Who knows what he will try to say next. It's too cute!

1 comment:

Melody said...

I can't wait to see him!!! and you and Rob of course... =)