Hello again blog world. WOW, It's been awhile. A LONG while. Oh well. we have been really busy the past few months. So, we have a little catching up to do. Here's what we've been up to!

On May 3oth Clay turned 1! I know, can you believe it? My baby is one. Feels like I gave birth to him yesterday. I can remember the first time I held him in my arms (screaming his head off) like it was yesterday! Oh Clay, we are SO HAPPY you are a part of our life. You bring such joy to your dad and I. We love you more than you will ever know!
We decided to have his first birthday party and baby dedication together at our house. It was a great time to celebrate Clay and to commit our little man to the Lord. It was a very special party.
In other news, we are now homeowners! I can hardly believe it. Really. We have lived in 9 different places since we got married almost 5 years ago. Yeah, quite the record. Now you know why I can hardly believe that we bought a house. There were several reasons for this. One is that we were tired of throwing away our money on rent and the other, bigger reason is that we are a part of a core group who is planting a church in the neighborhood we bought our house in. We really felt like God was calling us to be a part of this church and calling us to move to the community we are currently living in. It has been quite the journey being homeowners and we've only lived here for a month! We have renovated the bathroom (well, still renovating) as well as done some other renovations around the house, built a shed, painted like CRAZY, and well, had to clean up our first fallen tree in our yard this week. (Yes an enormous, termite eaten, hollow oak tree in the lot next door fell on our backyard! Could have been worse. At least it didn't fall on the house, right?! I'd much rather clean up a fallen tree in our backyard than clean up a tree AND fix a hole in our roof!)
Also in the past couple months we had my brother, sister-in-law, and family come in town. They recently adopted a little girl from Korea and we got to meet her for the first time. She is only 6 weeks older than Clay and is too cute! She is walking like a big girl and has been for awhile. It was really fun to see them. Wish we could have had more time with them. We had to move into our new house during the time they were in town. Although it would have been nice to do something "fun" we were glad to have the help!
Rob's parents also came in town to visit us for about a week. They were able to make it to Clay's birthday/ baby dedication party which we were really happy about. It was so good to have them here for such a special time in our lives. They helped us A TON on our new house (painting, helping to build a shed) as we had only moved in like 10 days before their arrival. It was great to see them!
Also, my other brother, sis-in-law and family moved back down to NOLA at the beginning of June. It 's fun to have them home, and to see Clay interact with his cousins. He loves crawling after them, and Eli (he's 2) especially loves to "play" with Clay. Eli is absolutely adorable with Clay, feeding him Cheerios, bringing him his cup, and giving lots of hugs. I t
hink those 2 are going to be great friends one day when they can really play together. It's good to have them home.
Well, that was probably WAY more than you care to know about what is going on in our lives. Just seems like there are quite a few "monumental" things happening in our lives the past couple of months.
On May 3oth Clay turned 1! I know, can you believe it? My baby is one. Feels like I gave birth to him yesterday. I can remember the first time I held him in my arms (screaming his head off) like it was yesterday! Oh Clay, we are SO HAPPY you are a part of our life. You bring such joy to your dad and I. We love you more than you will ever know!
We decided to have his first birthday party and baby dedication together at our house. It was a great time to celebrate Clay and to commit our little man to the Lord. It was a very special party.
Also, my other brother, sis-in-law and family moved back down to NOLA at the beginning of June. It 's fun to have them home, and to see Clay interact with his cousins. He loves crawling after them, and Eli (he's 2) especially loves to "play" with Clay. Eli is absolutely adorable with Clay, feeding him Cheerios, bringing him his cup, and giving lots of hugs. I t
Well, that was probably WAY more than you care to know about what is going on in our lives. Just seems like there are quite a few "monumental" things happening in our lives the past couple of months.
love the updates
congrats about the house
happy bday (late) clay
he is just to cute
Thanks for blogging again, Christina! =) I've been missing you guys... Love the pics and hearing how you're doing!
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