So, almost 2 weeks ago, my baby boy learned to scoot on his tummy and has been getting faster and faster ever since, which means he has been getting into more and more things. And he makes way more of a mess than he use to. But it has been easy to adjust to so far. I guess in my head, I kinda thought that once your kid is mobile, everything changes drastically. But at first he would not go very far. He would only go for things within a few feet of him. And then he got more a more interested in things that were further and further away from him. But, like I said, it has been a gradual process where I am learning what things he can get into gradually. It's been kinda fun to see what he is interested in. He will often go for the diaper bag and pull things out. He also likes to go for my toes and thinks they are really funny. Oh, and the DVD player is definitely a favorite. He has already tried to eat my bible study workbook and torn an envelope for the blockbuster mail in DVD thing. It's funny, because I often see him start to go for something and halfway there, he will stop and look back at me, as if to see if I will let him, or tell him no. Or maybe it's to see if I am watching, so he knows what he can get away with! Anyway, it's been fun so far, except the whole teaching him "no" thing.
Here are a couple pictures of what he has been getting into!

Humm... mommy, what do you carry around in this bag all the time?
Helping mommy unpack the groceries! (He really did take quite a few items out of the grocery bag for me. Now if I can only get him to put them where they belong ;)
Here is a video of our little guy's scooting skills
He's so big!!
Aww....I can't wait to see him again! He looks pretty determined once he gets going.
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