Our family is currently on a 40 day "journey." And it has been quite the journey so far! From Texas to Colorado, to Nebraska, our journey is far from over. We are currently in Central City, NE with Rob's family, visiting some of Rob's old friends, speaking about the ministry God has called us to, spending some quality time with family, and trying to network! It has been a pretty busy few weeks but we have been so blessed.
There are two things that have become very apparent to me throughout the past few weeks, one is that my husband comes from an incredible family (I've known this for awhile now, but have been reminded of it lately ;) Rob's parents had 6 kids in 6 years! Which means that we are all in the same season of life (more or less). Three of the Johnson kids got married within 10 months of each other in 3 different states in 04-05. The amazing part to me is that each of the 6 Johnson kids aren't people who just say they are Christians, but they are people who are actively living a life of faith and trust in God, pursuing His calling for their lives. Not only that but Rob's parents are some of the most godly, encouraging people I have ever known whom I have come to respect and love greatly! I truly could not have asked to marry into a more wonderful family and I am honored to be a Johnson!
Rob's youngest sister Kristi is also becoming a missionary this year. We have been in the same boat for the past few months, deciding to follow God's calling for our lives overseas around the same time, raising support together, and leaving to minister within in a few months from each other! She will be leaving very soon and we see it as a God thing (I hope she does too ;) that we are able to be here during her last few days in the States and even send her off with the rest of the family in a few days. What a blessing and encouragement to be with someone who knows exactly what you are going through! A God-thing for sure ;)
The second thing that has become apparent to me is what a blessing the body of Christ is. This is something I think we all experience drastically from time to time. Meals made for us when we have a baby, incredible child-care workers who love on our kids and teach them about Jesus, prayers offered up on our behalf. What an amazing thing God has established in the body of Christ, giving each of us different talents and abilities to serve one another. Incredible. As we continue on this adventure of drastically changing everything about our lives, raising money, and moving to the other side of the world to serve the Lord with our gifts, we have been blessed by other's gifts. We know that we cannot do what we are doing without the body of Christ coming alongside of us, loving us, praying for us, and giving financially. We have come to an understanding more and more that what we are doing is IMPOSSIBLE without the body of Christ. Having spoken to several people whom we do not know personally about our ministry lately, and having them be so excited for us, pray for us and even having some of them give financially towards our ministry WITHOUT even knowing us personally is INCREDIBLE. What a blessing! I'm reminded of 1 Corinthians 12. It's too long to quote here, but you should read it!
Here are some highlights from our trip so far...
The Entire Johnson family spent a week together in CO for one last family reunion before Kristi leaves for Zambia and we leave for Thailand |
Our family hiking in Colorado |
Some amazing friends of Rob organized a meet and greet with some of their friends to meet us and hear about our ministry! It was such an encouraging evening.
Grandma and Grandpa with all the grandkids! They had so much fun together! |
One evening we had a talent show and the kids surprised by singing the song Rob's mom wrote for her kids to sing when they were kids. It was great! |
1 comment:
Thanks for the update! You're so right, family and God's people are SO important in life and especially in ministry. How blessed we are to have both gifts!
Hope your trip continues to go well.
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