We had a great time Thanksgiving weekend in Dallas with my mom and my brother's family. We left on Wednesday after Rob got off work and drove the 8 hours. Clay did a great job in the car (he's doing much better in the car these days, doesn't scream the entire time like he use to), which made the drive a lot more pleasant. On Thursday we did the typical Thanksgiving day, girls cooked, boys watched football and the kids, ate yummy food and yummy pie, topped off with a rented movie. Friday we did a little "black Friday" shopping but came back with nothing... no big deal, it's just stuff anyway ;) and went to a park that had a drive through Christmas lights display. At the end was a place with a couple rides (including a carousel) and hot chocolate. Clay took his first carousel ride, wish I had pics, but forgot m camera and so did my sis-in-law! Saturday we went to an arboretum (very cool) and just walked around taking pics and enjoying the beautiful fall colors (something we don't have down here). In the evening, we went on a double date with my brother and his wife!!! woohoo! Only about the third date we have had since Clay was born (the joys of having a baby that will not take a bottle). The only requirement was putting Clay to bed before going. We left on Sunday afternoon, once again, Clay did great in the car. We had a great time visiting with family!!!

Clay supervises the thanksgiving dinner table being set!

This is what the boys did while the girls were in the kitchen.

Clay's thanksgiving dinner: bananas for the first time!
Friday morning breakfast with Mimie!

walking around the arboretum

Caiah waves hello to the fish
I LOVE the colors of fall!
Mimie with the 3 grandsons at the arboretum.
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