

Thursday, February 22, 2007

In terms of Centuries...

So, my birthday is coming up in a few days, and well, I'm going to be 25. So, my dad called me and said, "So, the other day I realized that my baby girl is going to be a quarter of a century old." Yeah, I know. Just think of your age in terms of centuries. Not really a pleasant thought is it. I must say 25 sounds a lot younger to me than a quarter of a century old. Thanks dad!


Anonymous said...

LOL! Christina I feel the exact same way. My mom called me the other day and said "Linds, are you 24?" She didn't even think about us being so old. My mother-in-law is the same way... she didn't believe me when I told her how old I'd be turning today-- she said she still thought of me at the 19 year old that she met in '01! I guess I'll join the club exactly one month from your b/d... Happy Birthday early...

Chip Burkitt said...

Oh, dear! And I'm turning 52 this year, well past the half-century mark!

Anonymous said...

Christina, the only time I DIDN'T see alligators at the Barataria was in February. I went just the other day and saw about 10 of them. Try again! This time of year is the best to go out there. It looks different every time I go. It's one of my favorite spots!

Oh, and don't feel bad about being 25. I just had my "half-century" birthday so I'm TWICE as old as you. :(