This pregnancy has been quite the ride thus far. Mostly, it has flown by. I don't love being pregnant, so I'm glad it has seemed to go faster this time around. Don't get me wrong, pregnancy is absolutely worth the end result, but I just don't love the process of getting to the end! Such is life...
The first trimester was actually much better than it was with Clay's. It did get sick, usually in the evening but not as much or as long as with Clay. I was extremely thankful for that, especially because I had a toddler to take care of too!
At about 20 weeks, we went to get an ultrasound and found out we were having another boy! We really didn't have any expectations, would have loved either. SO excited that Clay is going to have a brother so close in age. I think they'll be great friends. Clay is definitely ready for a brother! He loves people and will love having someone else in our family! I really think he's going to be a great big brother! We've been preparing him for baby brother's arrival. We've been talking about how our family will be "mommy, daddy, Clay, and baby brother." And how he will live in our house with us, sleep here, etc. Clay has been nothing but extremely excited every time we talk about baby brother! We even went to the store and let him pick out a present to bring to baby brother when he "comes out of mommy's tummy." If you know my son AT ALL, you know that he LOVES puppies and would not be surprised to know that he picked out a puppy for baby brother! I could very well eat my words one day, but I think he will adjust great to having another member of our family!
Been feeling him move around of course, but not nearly as much as I felt Clay. With Clay's pregnancy I use to think, when does this baby sleep? I really felt like he was moving constantly! This little guy however, is not nearly as active. Curious what this is going to say about his personality?! Thinking he might be a little more laid back. Guess we will see!
I was surprised to find out at about 32 weeks that my doctor wanted me to start going to prenatal testing TWICE a week for the remainder of my pregnancy. I had low amniotic fluid with Clay at 38 weeks and had to be induced immediately. I have had a little bit of high blood pressure off and on with the pregnancy too. So the combination of both, made my doctor want to start me on this testing. I was expecting this with this pregnancy however not so soon! I know my doctor just wants our baby and I to be safe, and like all doctors seems to be taking the cautious approach! Basically what prenatal testing means is that I go twice a week to monitor the baby's heart rate for 20 minutes, they take my blood pressure, and then do an ultrasound to check how much amniotic fluid I have. This would not be quite that big of a deal if I wasn't a stay at home mom to a 2 year old. Thankfully I have great friends and family who have been willing to help me watch Clay while I go to all these appointments!
At 33 weeks, I went to one of the prenatal appointments only to find that my amniotic fluid was low, not dangerously low, thankfully, but low enough to make them (an me of course) concerned! Great. my OB told me to make an appointment with the high risk doctor and get the big ultrasound where they check everything on the baby in a couple days. She told me that her goal was to at least get me to 34 weeks. Awesome. All of a sudden we were hit with the reality that we could very well have this baby a little too soon and have to deal with the complications of having a premie. It was a long few days until my appointment with the high risk doctor, however, it was a great opportunity for growth. Rob and I both really just needed to cling to the fact that we have a GREAT God who knows best and is the One in control of all our lives. We just have to trust him, no need to worry. Our appointment came and couldn't have gone better. My fluid levels had gone up a few points and were in the normal range. They checked all our little guy's organs and he seems to being growing great! The best news of the appointment was that they were able to tell us his weight and he was already 5 lbs 7 oz which puts him in the 70th percentile! The high risk doctor was so encouraging! He said that his weight is a great indication that he is growing just fine. Usually if there is any problems he would be struggling to gain weight but he wasn't just normal, but a little bit bigger! It felt so good to know that if something crazy did happen and I had to deliver before he was full term, he was already so big!
Praise the Lord I am now just a couple days away from being 37 weeks pregnant (which is full term) and our little guy is still safe inside my tummy! I have continued to go to the prenatal appointments twice a week and my fluid has not been low since that one appointment! My blood pressure has been very normal and baby's heart rate has been strong! I am SO thankful that I have gotten to this point in my pregnancy! I had a doctor's appointment last Friday to find out that I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced at only 36 weeks! Doctor says that she doesn't think I will make it to my due date! It's crazy, for so long I have just assumed that I would have to be induced and the possibility of going into labor on my own is not an option. But now, I feel like it's a possibility again, which is very exciting!
We have been working on getting everything ready for #2 and I have found myself getting really excited! For awhile there, thinking that we might have a premature baby was quite the overwhelming thought and now that I am basically full term, I feel like I can let myself get excited again! I can't wait to meet our little guy! Feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought of taking care of 2 instead of one but mostly feeling really excited about what this next little person will add to our family!
Johnson Baby #2 I can't wait to hold you in my arms! We are greatly anticipating your arrival!

Yay! You blogged! That baby looks like Rob. Or maybe Micah.... Obviously I'm not great at telling. =) He looks like a Johnson baby - how's that. So excited for you guys!
You are such a beautiful woman! Be blessed.
We are praising the Lord with you for all His answers to our prayers. We too are excited to see this little guy and eventually hold him in our arms! We love you!
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