

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Teaching English...

For the past 7 weeks, Rob and I have been teaching English to a group of Korean students on Monday and Wednesday nights. Rob was teaching 12 high schoolers, and I had 11 elementary/ middle schoolers. They came here for their "summer break" from Korean school just to learn English. We taught at a Korean pastor's house. Rob's class was in the dinning room, and my class was in one of the bedrooms.
For most of the Korean students, we are the first Americans they have ever known. The first few classes we had were quite interesting. All the students wanted to stare into our eyes, Rob having blue eyes and me having green eyes, they were quite mesmorized. Some students wanted to touch our nose. For some reason they think that our noses were so pretty. Anyway, we have enjoyed getting to know the students and we hope they we have helped them learn some English! They were learning a lot of vocabulary from Philippinos tutors during the day, so Rob and I's main job was to work on pronunciation. It was quite interesting some of the sounds they really had a hard time making. L and R were the hardest. Well, last night was our last class. Most of the students are flying back to Korea today. Here are some pictures we took last night:

Here is Rob, with his class.
Here I am with my class. As you can see in both our class pictures, the kids are eating cookies. We brought chocolate chip cookies for everyone for our last class.

Here I am with two girls who liked to talk to me after class. Their English was probably the best of all the students we had.

For our last class, we played pictionary, boys against girls. We had a lot of fun! This is the classroom I taught in each week.

This is two of the students with the Korean pastor, who brought all of them from Korea to the Philippines to learn English.


Renee said...

How did you have any idea how to teach English? I'm sure it was an experience. I thought it was interesting that they were so intrigued by your eyes and nose. I guess it makes sense though. Must have been a great experience for them (and you)!

-C said...

It's over already ... I figured it was all semester. What a cool short adventure for you two.