Since sending our support letters in December, our life has been quite the whirl-wind, and we are just at the beginning of all this! We have heard that the sooner you are able to get rid of things, the better. So, January has been full of craigslist listings, trips to Goodwill, and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. As September seems fast approaching, we feel pressed for time!
We met and signed a contract with a Realtor a couple weeks ago to sell our house. For some reason doing this made all that is happening in our lives VERY REAL to me. Although we have no idea what God's plans are for this house, we love this place. Having children and the memories of them in your "home" just makes a place so special. Rob and I have been married for 7 1/2 years and we have lived in 9 (yes I said 9!!) different places since we have been married. So I was never attached to any one place, well, until we had our kids. Leaving the house we rented when I was pregnant with Clay until he turned one taught me this. I will never forget Rob and I cleaning up that little house after we moved all our stuff and going into Clay's empty room where I couldn't hold back the tears! There are so many memories of Clay's first year of life in that house! And our current house holds even more! I know quite a few tears will be shed when we have to leave our precious home!
Although these walls hold such great memories, in all reality, our lives are not about where my child learned to walk, how many times I pushed our boys on the swingset in our backyard, or the countless hours of story books being read in the living room, our lives are about living for our Lord and Savior! And although we are very fond of our lives here in New Orleans and all the people and places that we hold so dear to us, they are not what is of most importance. So, is all this transition hard, absolutely! Will we miss New Orleans, our house, all the memories, and people, absolutely! But are we completely at peace about where God is calling us and what He is calling us to do, ABSOLUTELY! Are we excited about this next season of life, ABSOLUTELY!
I have been journaling off and on since I was a teenager. My teen year were when my faith became very real to me and I began to understand the privilege of living our lives for the Lord. Since then I have often written the last lines to be "Lord, I want to go and do whatever You have called me to do. Here I am." While that desire has taken me to very unexpected places, the reality of that desire rings so true in where God is taking us. Although there are many details to figure out, much to do, and a lot to say "good-bye" to, we are convinced that this is the journey God has called us to.
So, Lord, I want to go and do WHATEVER you have called me to do, even if that takes us to Chiang Mai Thailand!